Thank you!
Your donation is in good hands!
Thank you for believing in the power of caring communities to address the most pressing local issues. Know that your gift will be put to work, right here where you live. We are so grateful for your support.
Before you go…
- Be sure to check your inbox for your confirmation email and tax receipt. Remember to move that email to your “Primary” tab or add us to your safe sender list, so you never miss an update from GenNext East Ontario.
- If you haven’t already, follow @GenNextEastON on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. On our socials, you'll see stories of local love, find facts and stats on our causes, hear from advocates and event speakers, and more. Our feeds are all about philanthropy and fun.
- And don’t forget to stay awesome and be kind to yourself and others!
Upcoming events
GenNext’s BATL for Mental Health
December 19, 2024
Join GenNext at BATL Ottawa for an exhilarating tournament-style evening of axe-throwing to support mental health and make a difference in your community.
Latest news & stories
Get ready for BATL: How to reach your fundraising goal
January 16, 2025
From sample emails to social media posts, this toolkit has everything you need to help you achieve your BATL for Mental Health fundraising goal.